Return my foreskin coat of armor.
It keeps the barbarians at bay
like the boy in “Europa, Europa,”
who tried to make his Jewish penis
look like a goy to fake being a Nazi.
I can’t get the stench of black smoke
of crematoriums out of my nostrils.
An uncircumcized penis, my best defense,
the next time the mortal enemies of Jews
come looking for me.
Never again, will I hear echoes
of Kike, Christ-killing, dirty Jew.
Ever since Jews were driven out
out of Judea six thousand years ago,
they’ve been nothing but trouble
in a world that loves to hate Jews.
If we’re so smart, with so few of us
(.02% of the population) earning 129
Nobels, compared to Muslims (20%
of the populations) earning 2 Nobels,
how come we can’t figure out a way
to stop being persecuted by everyone?
When Jews returned to their homeland
in ’48, they found their troubles were not over.
Now we’re overcome by the stink of gunpowder
blowing towards us by Islamic fundamentalists
who never learned what it is to be human.
Jews continue to hunger for the light of sanity.